Saturday, 26 November 2011

i'm bored.........

ye..skunk nie aku tgh cuti sem...same dgn bdk2 skul coz aku nie bakal cikgu....hurmmmm,,,sgt2 boring kt umah coz xtau nk wat pe...hidup cm xade hala tuju jer...membe2 aku sume skunk nie sbuk dgn asiment  diorg dkt u msg2...tgl aku jer bdk mktb nie kt kg sorg2...huh....bgun pg jer gaduh ngan adik aku.....nk tdr pon gaduh dgn diorg lg...hahaha....xtau la ape nk jd....ak ingt nk cari cri keje,,ape je keje yg aku bley buat coz cuti sebuln je pon...terpkse lah aku jd penganggur smentare...sad.....sbnrnyer,,niat nk keje 2 da lame da ade coz ak ingt nk cari duit lbh ckit untk blnje masuk mktb sem dpn....yelar,,,senior2 ak ckp elaun bln 1-3 xbg la...diorg akn bg 6t bln 4...huh.....sush btl....ape la yg ak nk mkn slame 3 bln 2 6t.....ok la,,,,xnk cite pnjg lg pasal 2....yg pastinyer skrg nie ak tgh boring tahap cipan!!!!!!!

mama...tlg aku....boring thp cipanzi da nie.... :(

tired+excited+enjoy= happiness

such  a tired day.....lth sgt2 but still enjoy coz byk bnde hepy yg berlaku...1st g genting nge membe2 1 klas,,,,it's a very nice trip for our last year in foundation....tdr dkt dlm hotel ramai2... 8 org 1 bilik just atas 2 ktil...huh,..cube bygkn?? ktorg berhimpit ramai2 but we still enjoyed it very's such a sweet memory among us...but i'm still sad jgk until now coz byk game outdoor yg xbley ujan so byk game yg die ttp...rugi xbeli yg indoor punyer game..bez jgk tgk org2 ramai maen n bersorak mase men indoor....huhu...membazir je kn?? nk wat cm mane coz ktorg timing xbape nk btol mase's ok la...hopefully,, lpas ni we will go another place again as our class trip....hehehe....

ni sume gmbar2 ktorg mase g genting ari 2....scenery kt sne siyes sgt lawa...dh la kt winter sonata jer....hehe..after this,,genting will be one of the destinations for my honeymoon with my beloved person....hopefully...bcos i love the place that is very cool....hehehe.....

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I'm me and I'm emo, my friends too~

hehe,,,,at last,,i managed to spend some time to create this blog and share my diary with all of u.....hahhahaha....i'm speechless....don't know how to describe my feelings now....i'm so excited to have this kind of things bcoz b4 this my friends already asked me to have a blog but i don't know how to do it.....
everyday i will look and read my friend's blog but now i already hve my own blog......hehehe....proud of me..oppss.....hahaha......
btw,,skunk nie ak tgh final exam,,,uhhh,,,very nervous...xtau cm mane tp pasti korg2 sume tau cm mane feeling bile masuk dewan exam 2 kn....,,2 paper da abis...tgl lg 2.....xsbar btol nk balik trgnu 17hb nie jumpe ngn org trsyg kt sne.....hehehe...rindu tahap cipan dh nie....
15 hb nie straight away after last paper,,ktorg 1 klas will go to genting...lau fkrkan pasal seronok 2 memg la giler2 nk pegi tp fulus of course ar kene byk lam poket...huhuhu....adoooiii,,,,aku xtau ar cm mane nk survive dkt genting 2 6t....mkn megi je la kot...nk bt cm mane lg....nvrmind lar....asalkan dpt enjoy puas2 kt sne 6t nge member2 aku sume.....lgpon nie last sem for my foundation year.....happy study to me.... :)

gmbar2 kt ats 2 gmbar aku,eja, zida n yaya mase g cameron aritu....seronok giler..memg xrancng sgt pon nk pegi tp tibe2 teringin nk g jln2 kt cameron n duit plak tgh byk so,,,enjoy la puas2..hehehe....lgpon,,,ade driver kancil biru yg bwk kami g sne....hehehe....tengs a lot to him coz brings happiness to us on that time kter pegi tmpat lain plak yer cik driver....  ^_^